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Meet Abby....

Updated: Nov 24, 2023

Abby doesn’t really know how to describe herself but is responsible for getting people to answer questionnaires about themselves (!) and other Administrative tasks.

  • How would you describe your team?

Diverse, friendly, funny.

  • How have you contributed to our team most significantly?

I think I bring humour, and calmness to stressful situations!

  • Who are some of your major influences at work?

Reuben or Demelza

  • What is the most unusual aspect of working here?

Story times with Reuben!

  • What is your definition of success?

When I can achieve something I’ve been unable to achieve before.

  • Who motivates you?

Doing a job well, and making a customer happy and meeting their expectations.

  • Who would you select as a mentor if you could choose anybody, and why?

My Parents, they taught me a lot of skills I use today. Dad taught me practical skills, and Mum is very patient

  • What is your current job title?

I don’t think I have an official title, General office administrator, PA, HR assistant….

  • How has Polar Planet changed since opening?

Since I’ve been working here I’ve seen Polar grow, employee more people and change process’ to be more computerised and streamlined.

  • What is something unique about you (a fun fact) that few people are aware of?

I was once on a BBC documentary – maybe Abhijit saw me!

Something I read to the children… Super worm or Elmer and the Stilts…

  • What is your favourite pastime?


  • When was the first concert you ever attended?

A concert called “Noise and Confusion” with Oasis, The Subways, Foo Fighters, The Coral,

  • Do you have any programs that you are currently binge-watching?

Yellowstone – about Cowboys!

  • What would you eat if you had to eat only one meal every day for the rest of your life?


  • What is one thing you cannot live without?

My little family <3

  • Are you striving to be known for anything particular?

Being kind and thoughtful.

  • One thing you would tell your 13-year-old self, what would it be?

That everything will work out, in the end. Choose your own happiness.

  • Can you recall the last time you laughed so hard you cried?

I quite often laugh with my husband at his stupidity….

  • In five years, what are your vision and hope?

To be working hard, and playing harder. That all my children are happy and healthy.

  • Where is your favourite destination you’ve visited, and why?

Either Limoges in France or Indianapolis in America…

  • What is the location of your hometown?

Forest Row

  • With which cartoon character would you most wish to swap lives?

Winnie the Pooh! He loves eating, and it was also written near my home village, and my husband proposed on Pooh Bridge….

  • Would you rather be a teeny-tiny elephant or a colossal hamster?

Teeny tiny elephant

  • How long have you worked for the company?

18 months

  • What were you doing before this?

I worked in care – with children and also adult care recruitment.

  • What is your favourite aspect of working here?

Demelza! Or story time with Reuben! I also like the feeling of making customers happy when we have done a job well.

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